Our Stylists Look Ahead to 2021

Today’s blog post is a little different than most, but every now and then, we love to share a little more in depth about our stylists, their everyday lives and why they love the work that they do here at Effortless Style. In today’s post our stylists look ahead to 2021 after reflecting on the year that was 2020.
A Note from Katie Rushton
Nashville Stylist and Effortless Style Owner Katie Rushton
Whew! 2020 was a doozy! My best friend turned 40 in 2020, and her husband and I had talked early in the year about planning a trip to New York City for her 40th birthday. I was SO excited for her birthday. And also so excited and looking forward to an adult only trip with our best friends. However, in true 2020 fashion, that trip didn’t happen. We also usually travel quite a bit in the summer months – just long weekend trips here and there. Thankfully we did get a beach trip in, but we weren’t able to do a lot of other things we had planned. Although the lack of travel was a bummer, the year in itself wasn’t a total wash.
I learned a lot about myself, about by business, and about people in general in 2020…. And it was mostly good stuff. I learned that I love being in nature (even more than I thought). I love having bird feeders in my yard and watching birds. Who knew!?! I loved not having that feeling of always feeling like I had something pressing to do or somewhere to be and instead just sitting out in my cul-de-sac with my sweet neighbors sharing fun conversations while the kiddos soaked up the sunshine with each other. I loved connecting with neighbors and gaining some really great friends that before would have just been a nice hello on the walk to the playgroud, but now are good friends because of all the kid playtime outside and the fun mom conversations that came with that!
In 2021, I’m looking forward to even more renewed connections and relationships. 2020 taught me the importance of being surrounded by good people in your life. Since the first quarter of 2021 will probably still look a lot like 2020, I’m also looking forward to spending some time deep diving into this business I’ve created! Effortless Style was my first baby, and I love this business. I love the people I get to work with because of it, and I’m looking forward to working with our incredible team of women to continue to improve the work we do and the reach we have with our clients.
Our Stylists Look Ahead to 2021…Thoughts from Emily Goodin
Nashville Stylist Emily Goodin | Image by Tausha Dickinson
During 2020, I feel that we all mourned something – whether that be missing out on experiences or maybe missing someone. For me, I have been quite lucky to be on the “lighter” side of things I’ve missed. I miss hugging my clients and friends. I miss the feel of closeness with strangers during a concert, and I miss smiling at people in public because our masks are covering our expressions. Some events that I truly missed were the Southeast Mountain Biking Festival that we attend every year, our friend’s Christmas party (I always look forward to dressing up and late night Krystal burgers served on silver platters), and several concerts and music festivals we had planned.
When the pandemic first started, I truly thought that God was trying to hit the reset button on our busy lives. And although fear, boredom, and frustration were attached to that reset, I do feel that there have been some good things that have come out of trying times. The biggest one I’ve noticed is my own shift in mentality. We are all just trying to get through the day. I choose to judge myself less. I’ve always been one to set high productivity goals for myself, but I’ve allowed myself some grace…to enjoy a walk in the middle of the day with my dog, to meet a friend for lunch in between appointments, and just be happy with the accomplishments that I have made for the day, but not to beat myself up about the things that didn’t happen.
I was talking to a friend yesterday who made a good point. She said, “We are so silly to think the difference of a minute; the difference of a 24 hour period; the difference of a day that turns 2020 to 2021 that will all-of-a-sudden solve all of our problems. However, I think we are going into 2021 with hindsight being 2020!” We now KNOW what we’re dealing with. It might not be pretty, but we all know that the hope of a vaccine and Spring around the corner will help us start down the road to normalcy. I can’t ignore the unrest we feel in this country, but again, I am optimistic that we will all see the bad examples of hate and violence and choose to be renewed in our own interactions with others. Be kinder, be more empathetic, listen… It starts with us individually. So, I encourage you to turn your frustrations into actions of kindness. Put your best foot forward in 2021. I promise you I will do the same.
I’m looking forward to a few trips this year. One is planned (a ski trip) and the rest are hopeful. I hope we will be able to take some mountain biking trips to North Carolina, Chattanooga, and Knoxville. I would love to see the beach this year. And, I’ve put a concert on the books at Red Rocks Amphitheatre for September. Crossing my fingers for some fun in 2021!!
Looking Back with Katey Preston
Nashville Stylist Katey Preston
When we look back on 2021, it’s easy to talk about the negative and the sadness. It’s easy to talk about everything we missed out on – the graduations, the special birthdays, the family gatherings, the school (oh the school!) and all of the events associated with it for our kids, the field trips, the date nights, the girls’ nights out…. The list goes on and on. We are sad for ourselves, and we are sad for our children. I put together a photo book for my family at the end of every year, and this year I needed to be pushed but went ahead and did it – it was a year we wanted to forget but needed to remember. But you know what? There were a lot of smiles in the year. My kids literally became BEST FRIENDS. My husband and I reconnected and had tough conversations. We became creative on how to see friends, and those efforts others made to bring smiles to our faces will never be forgotten. There was hope, there was kindness, there was grace. There were silver linings. And there will always be silver linings, sometimes you just need to dig a little deeper for them.
And it’s with that hope, and that lesson that we can look forward to 2021. No, things aren’t miraculously better because the calendar turned, but we are wiser, and we have hope. We know to not take things for granted. We know to cherish even a walk with a best friend because we know to take what we can get. I’ve decided to not set long term goals…. I just can’t bear the disappointment in doing so because we just don’t know what to expect. So, I’m setting short term goals. I’m keeping it simple. My short terms goals for the next 2 months – to reconnect with clients who I haven’t been able to see in person for a while. To continue to make an effort to see friends and family, even if it’s through Zoom. To get up and get dressed. And to WEAR JEANS and pull those clothes out that we bought for last spring but never got to wear, and wear them. And most importantly, to be there for whoever needs me. So to my clients, I am here for however I can help you, and in whatever capacity you’re most comfortable with. Let’s slay 2021 together!
Reflecting on 2020 with Jenny Grubb
Murfreesboro/Nashville Stylist Jenny Grubb
What a year 2020 was! And as far as 2021 goes, I am not seeing much of a change yet, but I am so hopeful! I have not seen my best friend in 16 months and that in itself is HARD! She lives in Connecticut, and we usually try to see each other 2-3 times a year. It makes me feel selfish for even saying that knowing that several friends have lost parents and loved ones, but I MISS HER!!! I told her next time I see her I may never let go. The “event” I missed the most was my daughter performing in the Nashville Ballet’s Nutcracker. It truly makes my Christmas each and every year, no matter how many times I have seen it. Seeing her excitement for performing and being on the big stage always makes me so proud! I hope we are back in theatres soon.
My family is a small tribe of 3 (plus our precious 85 pound Golden doodle Sadie), and we have always been super close. My husband has been home working since last March, and I have to say it has been a blessing (most days) to have him here! HA!! He has commuted to and from work now for 10 out of the 11 years we have lived in Murfreesboro and just having him home for lunch has been so nice! We are not from Middle Tennessee, and most of our family is out of state. Being able to have him “help” me when he can has been such blessing. It is going to be a sad day at my house when he has to go back to his office – and I am not sure our doodle will ever recover! We spent more time as a family outside this year on the greenway, hiking state parks, and spending most of the Summer at my Dad’s in Florida. We craved the sun – it truly was like our medicine!
In 2021, I am looking forward to seeing more of my amazing clients in person…. and my coworkers – we truly are the dream team! I look forward to traveling again with my family and hugging my Dad more! I am so thankful to be doing what I love, and I feel confident things can only go up from here! Cheers to 20201.