Virtual Styling Services…A Look at Our Virtual Closet Audit

This time of year, our closet audit services are quite popular! With summer ending, many people feel it’s time to switch gears from those laid back summer days and endless travels. It’s time to get life in order and fall back into a good routine…. And that translates into a good time to clean out that closet and usher in the fall season.
With our closet audit services, we purge what’s not working and repurpose pieces that are with fresh looks for a new season. We look at each individual piece in our client’s closet, deciding together what to keep, tailor, toss, or donate. And we also make a list of gaps that need to be filled along the way. For more detailed information about our closet audit services, click here.
Virtual Styling Services
In the past year and a half, our world’s entire work environment has shifted. Interacting and working virtually has become much more accepted and prevalent. We have seen it all – virtual meetings, conferences, and yes even happy hours. So it got us thinking about our virtual styling services. Why not offer our closet audits virtually for our clients that live across the country? Or even for those that simply prefer it that way?
Well now we do! We have done several of these over the last year (plus) and, to our delight, have discovered them to be both effective and fun! Whether working via Zoom, Facetime, or even interacting virtually through our online closet portal, our clients have had a great experience with this concept. You might be wondering how this service would even work virtually, so let’s walk through a virtual closet audit that Katey did recently with a client in Texas to give you a feel for it.
This particular client chose to take a picture of herself in each piece in her closet. Though this resulted in a fair amount of work for her, she felt it was important for Katey to see the fit of each piece ON her, as she’s fluctuated weight and sizes over the past year. Over the course of a weekend, she uploaded the photos of herself in her pieces, as well as of her accessories, into her portal. Katey then went through each item, giving feedback and guidance by leaving comments. In some cases, Katey requested additional close-up photos or asked her to try it on again but wearing it differently (e.g. front tuck, rolled sleeves, etc). in order to make the best decision possible on the piece.
What to Say Goodbye to | What to Keep
After looking at each individual item with her client, Katey then tagged each piece into sections in her online closet. She created sections titled “Saying Goodbye”, “Skirts To Keep”, “Earrings To Keep”, etc. This enabled her client to physically clean out and organize her closet in an efficient and effective manner.
Lastly, Katey used the photos accumulated to style a couple of complete looks for her client. She will also use them later as they begin the personal shopping and styling portion of her package.
As a quick sidenote, we introduced our Virtual Styling Subscription a few years ago, and it has been hugely popular. Both with clients that live far away from the Nashville area, as well as with clients in town that just simply prefer working with us virtually. We have had several Virtual Styling Subscription clients add a virtual closet audit on to their subscription. The two services have dovetailed just beautifully together. To learn more about the Virtual Styling Subscription, click here. And of course, if you have any questions at all about our virtual closet audit, post it below, or feel free to contact us here.